Нові чохли UAG для Samsung Galaxy S23 вже на складі ERC

Home New products Нові чохли UAG для Samsung Galaxy S23 вже на складі ERC

До замовлення вже доступні чохли UAG для новенького Samsung Galaxy S23, Galaxy S23 Plus, та Galaxy S23 ULTRA.

Особливості чохлів UAG для смартфонів

  • Ударопоглинаюча ультралегка композитна конструкція
  • М'які краї, що амортизують
  • Кнопки збільшеного розміру
  • Легкий доступ до портів
  • Фото без відблисків, звук без спотворень
  • Не перешкоджає роботі безконтактної оплати та бездротової зарядки
  • Вбудований модуль MagSafe (у ряді моделей)

Серія Plyo - прозорий чохол, підкреслить колір смартфону. Припаде до душі тим, хто цінує практичність і лаконічний стиль.

Серія Monarch та Monarch Pro - чохол, виготовлений з термополіуретану і легкого полікарбонату, який має п'ять рівнів сучасного захисту. Поверх накладки йде шар натуральної зернистої шкіри, карбонового волокна або навіть волокна KEVLAR, що не тільки добре захищає, але і надає чохлу особливий дизайн.

Серія Plasma - внутрішня частина чохла має перфоровану сотову структуру, яка чудово поглинає та розсіює наслідки сильних ударів та зберігає кути смартфона від пошкоджень.

Серія Metropolis та Metropolis Lite - чохол, виготовлений з матеріалів преміумкласу. Безшовна вставка з матеріалу KEVLAR разом з м'якими кутами забезпечує найкращий захист.

Серія DOT - м'який чохол преміумкласу з soft touch силікону та підкладкою з мікрозамші. Легка конструкція, завдяки рельєфному дизайну з точковою текстурою, ударостійка серцевина та захисна окантовка екрана, які захищають від ударів.

Серія Civilian - ефектний чохол з мінімальною кількістю деталей. Припаде до душі тим, хто цінує практичність і лаконічний стиль.

UAG Pathfinder Series має унікальний дизайн і елементи стилю мілітарі, що є досить затребуваним дизайном як у чоловіків, так і у жінок будь-якого віку і соціального прінадлежності. Незважаючи на високу ступінь захисту чохол UAG має тонкий профіль, забезпечуючи мінімальну громіздкість смартфона в чохлі

Нові чохли UAG - це завжди максимальний захист, зручність і особливий дизайн.

Products from publication
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Our Plyo Series combines reliable military-tested drop protection with a modern polished aesthetic creating beautiful everyday armor and security for your phone. Starring a lightweight construction of a TPU shock-absorbing frame and a PC backplate.
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New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
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Plasma Series has a dynamic translucent hexagonal design and boasts serious protection for adventurous individuals. Now with enhanced TPU corner protection and an ultra lightweight impact frame to shield the device from accidental drops. A low perimeter edge with tactile grip for more secure handling on the go. Unmistakable signature UAG armor frame. All together providing definitive protection from the elements while feeling great in your hand.
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Plasma Series has a dynamic translucent hexagonal design and boasts serious protection for adventurous individuals. Now with enhanced TPU corner protection and an ultra lightweight impact frame to shield the device from accidental drops. A low perimeter edge with tactile grip for more secure handling on the go. Unmistakable signature UAG armor frame. All together providing definitive protection from the elements while feeling great in your hand.
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Plasma Series has a dynamic translucent hexagonal design and boasts serious protection for adventurous individuals. Now with enhanced TPU corner protection and an ultra lightweight impact frame to shield the device from accidental drops. A low perimeter edge with tactile grip for more secure handling on the go. Unmistakable signature UAG armor frame. All together providing definitive protection from the elements while feeling great in your hand.
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Plasma Series has a dynamic translucent hexagonal design and boasts serious protection for adventurous individuals. Now with enhanced TPU corner protection and an ultra lightweight impact frame to shield the device from accidental drops. A low perimeter edge with tactile grip for more secure handling on the go. Unmistakable signature UAG armor frame. All together providing definitive protection from the elements while feeling great in your hand.
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The first slim-yet-rugged case out there. With our Pathfinder series, your phone is always in good hands. Showcasing an updated design and new protective features. Starring a featherlight construction, an armor shell and impact resistant soft core. Enhanced TPU corner protection for a better cushion against accidental daily drops.
out of stock
The first slim-yet-rugged case out there. With our Pathfinder series, your phone is always in good hands. Showcasing an updated design and new protective features. Starring a featherlight construction, an armor shell and impact resistant soft core. Enhanced TPU corner protection for a better cushion against accidental daily drops.
out of stock
The first slim-yet-rugged case out there. With our Pathfinder series, your phone is always in good hands. Showcasing an updated design and new protective features. Starring a featherlight construction, an armor shell and impact resistant soft core. Enhanced TPU corner protection for a better cushion against accidental daily drops.
out of stock
The first slim-yet-rugged case out there. With our Pathfinder series, your phone is always in good hands. Showcasing an updated design and new protective features. Starring a featherlight construction, an armor shell and impact resistant soft core. Enhanced TPU corner protection for a better cushion against accidental daily drops.
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The first slim-yet-rugged case out there. With our Pathfinder series, your phone is always in good hands. Showcasing an updated design and new protective features. Starring a featherlight construction, an armor shell and impact resistant soft core. Enhanced TPU corner protection for a better cushion against accidental daily drops.
out of stock
The first slim-yet-rugged case out there. With our Pathfinder series, your phone is always in good hands. Showcasing an updated design and new protective features. Starring a featherlight construction, an armor shell and impact resistant soft core. Enhanced TPU corner protection for a better cushion against accidental daily drops.
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New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
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Civilian Series protective cases are engineered with our HyperCush™ technology to dampen and disperse the energy created when a mobile device collides with another surface. Simply put, it cushions your precious phone when it slips out of your grip.
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New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
out of stock
New design, new features, still the best case in the game. Monarch series is equipped with 5-layers of premium protection: a shock-resistant core, an unmistakable signature armor frame, layered with top-grain leather (or carbon fiber), a polycarbonate shear plate, alloy metal hardware, and impact-resistant rubber surround.
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Our Plyo Series combines reliable military-tested drop protection with a modern polished aesthetic creating beautiful everyday armor and security for your phone. Starring a lightweight construction of a TPU shock-absorbing frame and a PC backplate.
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